Are you professional and new in Sweden?,saco,flagΤο Omstart είναι ένα νέο πορτάλ ενημέρωσης της Σουηδικής Κεντικής Ομοσπονδίας Ακδημαικών (SACO) με σκοπό την ενημέρωση νεοαφιχθέντων ακαδημαικών που αναζητούν δουλειά στην Σουηδία.

Welcome to Omstart!

Learn about the Swedish job market and get valuable advice on how you can get employment within your existing profession. Please note that Omstart is not an employment service. This is a website that will provide you with valuable and relevant information in one place, on a single website.

Also learn more about the Saco-affiliated associations that organize members based on their education or profession. The associations provide support and advice to their member throughout their career. Which association suits you? Feel free to contact the association and find out how they can help you. But first take some time to explore this website and learn more about Sweden and our job market. Read more!


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